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Microsoft introduces Pylance to improve Python on VS Code

Pylance can build your experience of using Python on VS Code.

Microsoft introduces Pylance to improve Python on VS Code

Microsoft has announced its Pylance extension for fast and feature-rich language support for Python on Visual Studio Code. Pylance depends on the existing Python extension and builds up the experience.

Optimized performance:

Pylance is a new language server for Python, which uses the Language Server Protocol to communicate with VS Code.

The name Pylance serves as a nod to Monty Python’s Lancelot, who is the first knight to answer the bridgekeeper’s questions in the Holy Grail.

To improve user experience, Pylance is created as a brand-new language server based on Microsoft’s Pyright static type checking tool. Pylance leverages type stubs (.pyi files) and lazy type inferencing to provide a highly-performant development experience.

Microsoft Pylance


  • Docstrings
  • Signature help, with type information
  • Parameter suggestions
  • Code completion
  • Auto-imports (as well as add and remove import code actions)
  • As-you-type reporting of code errors and warnings (diagnostics)
  • Code outline
  • Code navigation
  • Code lens (references/implementations)
  • Type checking mode
  • Native multi-root workspace support
  • IntelliCode compatibility
  • Jupyter Notebooks compatibility

You can now download the Pylance extension from the VS Marketplace